Keeping you Posted with Designer Lessons Events

Designer Lessons is presenting two workshops in March. Sign up with Oxford TEFL Barcelona:

We are connected!

On Friday 22nd March 2013, from 11:00 to 11:50 George Chilton will lead you through a series of activities you can use with your students…right away! After looking at some guidelines for using technology, this interactive workshop will give you some ideas to encourage learner autonomy, to initiate collaborative learning – both in and outside of the classroom, and to motivate your learners with a variety of student-centred activities. We will be looking at using social networks, online pod-casting tools, and the wonderful world of Web 2.0.

Authentic Texts: Strategies for Creating Class Activities

Running from 12:10 to 13:00, by Neil McMillan, Oxford TEFL
Many teachers want to use more authentic material in their classes, and in some cases our students demand it. However, we are often put off by the amount of preparation time involved. When the coursebook has everything ready for you, why bother? This workshop aims to give you some ideas and introduce you to some tools to make preparing such lessons, whether centred on text, audio or video, a little easier.


Download the workshop schedule here: Workshop Schedule March

Price: Free

Sign up
Telf: 93 458 01 11

Where is it?

Oxford TEFL, Carrer Girona 83, Principal.

Classroom Cartography – Some Practical Ideas for Teaching English with Maps

February 15th 2013  Thanks to those of you who came to see us!

With Neil McMillan and George Chilton

Starting with some twists on the classic “directions” lesson before moving into less familiar, even uncharted territory, George Chilton and Neil McMillan present a workshop full of high- and low-tech ideas for using maps in the classroom. As images which imply particular political, historical and other perspectives, maps can be used to involve students in imagining spaces, constructing narratives, developing vocabulary and honing communicative skills.


Where was it? 

UAB Idiomes Barcelona Sant Antoni Mª Claret, 171 08041 Barcelona Spain